12+40:51Hollow Knight - Any% in 32m 33s by Yihou - 1st place. (翼侯大人 - bilibili)oldchild3просмотра4 дня назад
12+01:37:11TAS, (NES) Lunar Pool -"no friction, minimum strikes" in 1h 33m 39.68s by eien86oldchild2просмотра4 дня назад
12+12:47TAS, (NES) Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - in 10m 42.96s by link_7777oldchild4просмотра7 дней назад
12+23:43TAS, (Genesis) Prince of Persia - (Europe) in 22m 40.26s by eien86oldchild5просмотров7 дней назад
12+01:07TAS, Hollow Knight - Absolute Zote, idk (ThaOrthodoX - youtube)oldchild4просмотра9 дней назад
12+01:10:08Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition - 100% in 59m 53s by ShadyGamerX - 1nd place.oldchild7просмотров12 дней назад
12+11:20TAS, (NES) Adventures of Tom Sawyer - in 09m 59.56s by Lobsterzelda & Alyoshaoldchild4просмотра12 дней назад
12+06:55TAS, (NES) Super Mario Bros.: Old Times - in 06m 35.55s by Asumeholdchild15просмотров12 дней назад
12+02:45Hollow Knight - Level in 1m 54s 620ms by atarime - 1st place. (肝吸い - youtube)oldchild4просмотра16 дней назад
12+07:42TAS, (NES) Karate Champ - in 07m 24.97s by ShesChardcore, Alyosha & CoolHandMikeoldchild4просмотра19 дней назад
12+12:48TAS, (NES) Arkanoid II -"hard, warpless" in 11m 28.65s by eien86oldchild2просмотра20 дней назад
12+27:14Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition - All Skills in 26m 55s by Primorix - 1nd place.oldchild7просмотровМесяц назад
12+01:08:18Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition - 100% in 1h 00m 47s by ShadyGamerX - 1nd place.oldchildМесяц назад
12+21:25TAS, (NES) Super Mario Bros. 2 -"warpless" in 18m 21.87s by Aglar, andrewg & Alyoshaoldchild3просмотраМесяц назад
12+18:00Hollow Knight - Level in 15m 26s by Ybslsxx - 1st place. (日常悠哉呐 - bilibili)oldchild6просмотровМесяц назад